
Showing posts from August, 2021

Sticker Haul #13-.50 Yard Sale Find-Beach-Ribbons-Fish-Animals and Flashback 00s Technology

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! Yep, it's another sticker haul, this one is from a yard sale this past week. I was so excited to find stickers at a yard sale, it doesn't happen a lot so it is a treat. As you can see I paid .50 for this pack of different sticker sets (wish they had more but that's how it goes). I love the fish ones but my absolute favs are the mrs. grossmans from 2001 that is the cd's and the old cell phones and pagers (admit it you had a pager back in the day, I did but no phone so I had to use a pay phone if someone paged me LOL I have no idea why I owned one I guess cause it was the cool thing to do), they are so precious!!   

I'm Back.... It's A Troll Haul Y'all!!! Yard Sale Find for $5

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! It has been a hot minute but I did want to share this awesome find with you I was so excited to find these guys at a yard sale this weekend! Of course there was no price on this basket and I thought man are they going to want like $3 a troll??? But no she let me have the whole basket for $5!!! I was so excited cause I had been a troll kick a few months ago but had to stop myself because I had been buying way too much on ebay I do have my limits. I was hoping that I would find some at yard sales and lo and behold I did.        There was 32 trolls in the box!! All different brands, I really liked that it was a great selection. There was of course russ, trollkins, tnt, treasure trolls, wishniks and some unmarked brands. Almost all have their clothes but some are nude but that is ok, aren't most trolls nude??? With the price of this box each troll was under .20 you can't beat that. You never know i may find more out there.....