
Showing posts from April, 2022

1985 Brown Spotted Pound Puppy

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! Found a 1985 pound puppy at a yard sale for .25!! This is the larger sized one, so I got a great deal. I loved pound puppies when I was little, I had the white poodle with the pink bow collar she was a beaut. I'll find her one day I hope!   

Kool Aid Man Cup

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! I am on my way to owning the kool aid man pitcher set and it starts with this one cup. I remember this set when it came out in the late 80s, of course my mom didn't buy it. My next door neighbors mom did buy it and i was jealous but she bought her daughter all the great stuff. I got this at a resale store for $1, now I just need 3 more and the pitcher.   

Pound Puppies and Pound Purries (little versions)

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! I found some pound puppies (and a purry) at goodwill for .50 a piece). I was excited to find these because they are ones you don't see as often, like the shaggy one and the dark brown one. The kitty is one you see a lot but she is a perfect match for the big one I found a few months ago.  

Yard Sale Find-Bag O' Random-Stickers and Cards

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! Went to yard sale that had a lot of older cards and this bag was in with them the only bag with stickers (was hoping to find more vintage stickers but now luck). Obviously the old owner was named timothy cause there was a few name plates in the bag too. I only cared about the stickers and since the bag was only $1 I got it. The cards that was in there was rock and country music, chuck e cheese, sports, pocahontas and free willy. All this stuff was really neat to go through and brought back some memories, I hope timmy is doing good!   

1998 Pound Ocean Pets-New in Box-Pound Puppy

     Hello 80/90s chicks!! Have you every heard of pound ocean pets?? I sure haven't but I found some at a yard sale for only $1!! These did come out a little after my pound pet time (I was a pound puppy/purry girl). The box says these came out in 1998 and there was quite the collection of them of course I want all of them but since I never knew they existed till now ummm I don't think they are easy to find. I have the sting ray, tropical fish and the walrus, really wish I could find that octopus though....